Plantage et crash incessant

Je suis perdu, j'y comprends rien, à l'aide ! C'est ici qu'on vous aide.
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Messages : 19
Enregistré le : 13 janvier 2014 10:33
Natural Selection : Non
Un nombre ? : 156
Localisation : FRANCE
Contact :

Plantage et crash incessant

Message par hakoss »

Bonjour a tous, joueurs de NS2!!
Voila jai achete ce jeu il y a maintenant 2 mois, j'y joue regulierement depuis un bon mois!!!
Jusqu'alors pas de soucis, pas de lags, crashs ou autres!!
Malheureusement depuis 3 semaines a chaques parties que je lance j'ai le droit a un bug de son et d'image et bam bug report, par moment je peux envoyer le bug report et par moment pas moyen!!!
Le soucis c'est que ce la se passe a chaque game que je rejoins, entre 30mn et 45mn de jeu boum bug report et retour bureau (par moment c'est 10/20mn de jeu) !!!
Voici les manips que j'ai essaye:
-desinstaller, reinstaller NS2 ==> toujours bug report
-effacer les fichiers dans %APPDATA%\%roaming%\NS2 ==> toujours bug report
-verifier l'integralite du cache du jeu via steam ==> toujours bug report
-executer une manipulation dans le cmd de facon a ne plus telecharger les mods sur differents serveurs ==>plus de DDL de mods mais toujours bug report!!
-Réexecuter le DX setup du jeu ==>toujours bug report
-desinstaller la cg et les pilotes, reinstaller les derniers pilotes(GPU,physX...),reinstaller un pilote anterieur(2009) de CG ==>toujours bug report
-Desinstaller steam et reinstaller steam et le jeu==> toujours bug report
-Lancer steam en mode administrateur et ns2 en mode administrateur aussi ==>toujours bug report
-Formater mon pc, reinstallation d'un nouveau windows ==>toujours bug report
-desactiver mon firewall ou autoriser ns2 ==>toujours bug report
-Retirer mon casque en prise jack et desinstallation du pilote audio HD ==>toujours bug report
A chaque crash, plantage du jeu je vais voir le log mais rien d'alarmant me frappe lorsque je le parcours????
Je trouve souvent la meme ligne, je l'ai plus en tete mais ça fait du genre WARNING_OPTION_TILE.............
C'est la seule ligne que je trouve suspect par le WARNING sinon rien d'anormal, je desespere a l'heure actuelle j'ai passe pas mal d'heures a parcourir les forums franco-anglais a la recherche de solution mais tout ce que j'ai pu trouver et essayer n'a strictement rien donne!!!!!!!!!
Je me tourne en desespoir de cause vers vous, car ma solution qui fonctionnerai serait de desinstaller le jeu et de ne plus y jouer :/ (un des rares jeux que j'apprecie en ligne!!!!!!! (malgre les cheateurs a la pelle) je m'amuse comme un ptit fou :p).
Voici ma configuration materielles pc (a l'heure actuelle d'ici un mois je change tout)
-PROCO==>AMD phenom X4 3.4Ghz
-RAM==>4G corsair DDR2 (frequence 1033Mhz)
-DD==>Western Digital 1.5T 64mo cache
-OS==>Windows 7 integral 64 bits

Merci de votre attention et de votre aide a tous!!!!!!!!!
En esperant se rencontrer dans le jeu qui sait???? :) :)
"Si vous n’êtes pas vigilants, les médias arriveront à vous faire détester les gens opprimés et aimer ceux qui les oppriment."
Messages : 179
Enregistré le : 10 novembre 2012 02:27
Natural Selection : Oui depuis la 3.0 (STEAM)
Un nombre ? : 150
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Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par NoobixFr »

Question qui permettra peut etre à d'autre personne plus qualifier que moi de t'aider.

-Utilise tu des mods ?

Si oui, pense à te désabonné de tout tes mods et à supprimer le cloud avant de vider le dossier %APPDATA%\%roaming%\NS2
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Messages : 19
Enregistré le : 13 janvier 2014 10:33
Natural Selection : Non
Un nombre ? : 156
Localisation : FRANCE
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Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par hakoss »

Merci a toi d'avoir repondu!!
Pour ma part dans le jeu je n'ai aucun mods!! et dans %APPDATA%.....naturalselection2 dans mon dossier workshop, le dossier est vide aussi!!
Pour ce qui est du cloud , je vais essayer ta methode.
Pour me desabonner la j'avoue je sais pas quoi faire sachant que je n'ai absolument aucunes traces de mods nulle part (dans le menu du jeu=>mods ou bien dans les fichiers "%ROAMING%" de natural selection 2, dossier Workshop!!), tout est vide.
Je te tiens au courant si ta methode a fonctionner et encore merci a toi!!!!
"Si vous n’êtes pas vigilants, les médias arriveront à vous faire détester les gens opprimés et aimer ceux qui les oppriment."
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Enregistré le : 13 janvier 2014 10:33
Natural Selection : Non
Un nombre ? : 156
Localisation : FRANCE
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Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par hakoss »


J'ai essaye ta methode........ j'ai eu un petit espoir mais NON :/ au bout de 20/30 mn BOUM crash ecran noir avec bug report :( .
D'ailleurs j'ai meme efface le cloud du jeu sur mon PC (malheureusement la sauvegarde meme est stocke sur les serveurs steam donc pas moyen d'y toucher).
Encore merci!!
Je vais essayer une autre solution sur le gestionnaire nvidia au niveau de l'alimentation, on ne sait jamais!!
"Si vous n’êtes pas vigilants, les médias arriveront à vous faire détester les gens opprimés et aimer ceux qui les oppriment."
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Messages : 19
Enregistré le : 13 janvier 2014 10:33
Natural Selection : Non
Un nombre ? : 156
Localisation : FRANCE
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Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par hakoss »

Je viens de tester avec la modification de l'alimentation dans le gestionnaire nvidia ==> bug report
J'ai essaye en desactivant le cloud pour NS2 avec la commande "-runsafe" ==> bug report
J'ai descendu tous les graphismes en bas (pas bo :( ) ==> bug report

Je vais voir les solutions propose sur ce forum et si il n'y a rien de concluant je le desinstalle et go placard pas trop le choix :(
"Si vous n’êtes pas vigilants, les médias arriveront à vous faire détester les gens opprimés et aimer ceux qui les oppriment."
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Messages : 1981
Enregistré le : 11 août 2008 20:27
Natural Selection : Oui depuis la 1.03 (WON)
Un nombre ? : 187
Localisation : Dans mon Ha'tak en orbite autour d'Hynéria, mon monde natal.
Contact :

Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par SysLd »

C'est vraiment bizarre.

Tu dis que tout fonctionnait bien jusqu'à il y a 3 semaines. Ca doit correspondre à la sortie de la dernière build. Donc a priori c'est pas un problème matériel, mais un bug du jeu.

Faudrait que tu nous balance le log du crash pour comprendre ce qu'il en est.

Question débile, c'est quoi tes résolutions en jeu ? Tout au minimum ? A fond ? C'est peut être une map en particulier qui te fait crasher ?
Responsable newseur et Trésorier

Le monde se divise en deux catégories. Il y a ceux qui ont du skill et ceux qui exo, toi tu "exolame" !
Avatar du membre
Messages : 19
Enregistré le : 13 janvier 2014 10:33
Natural Selection : Non
Un nombre ? : 156
Localisation : FRANCE
Contact :

Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par hakoss »

Je joue sur une resolution 1920*1080, pour ce qui est des reglages graphiques du jeu je suis au minimum je tourne entre 50 et70fps d'ailleurs :)
voici le log:
Date: 01/14/14
Time: 00:03:39:
Build 262
Windows 7 64-bit (build 7601)
Steam initialized
Num displays: 1
Direct3D 9 initialized: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 (
Sound Device: Haut-parleurs (Realtek High Definition Audio) stereo
Record Device: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Cooked mesh with 1578 faces, 1236 vertices
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 262
Steam Id: 43236409
Connecting to server
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Hash failed for shaders/DarkVision.hlsl
Compiling 'shaders/DarkVision.shader'
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Loading 'maps/ns2_tram.level'
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 43813 faces, 32894 vertices
Cooked mesh with 47827 faces, 35641 vertices
Cooked mesh with 14854 faces, 10078 vertices
Cooked mesh with 857 faces, 793 vertices
Cooked mesh with 6370 faces, 5291 vertices
Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_tram.level
Cooked mesh with 43813 faces, 32894 vertices
Cooked mesh with 47827 faces, 35641 vertices
Cooked mesh with 14854 faces, 10078 vertices
Cooked mesh with 857 faces, 793 vertices
Cooked mesh with 6370 faces, 5291 vertices
Finished loading 'maps/ns2_tram.level'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/Infestation.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/infestation_shell.surface_shader'
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 16 faces, 10 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 16 faces, 10 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
BaconBits killed JojorOn with Rifle
BaconBits killed panzer with Rifle
JojorOn killed Death Wing Belial with Bite
JojorOn killed Extracteur with Bite
BaconBits killed JojorOn with Rifle
Death Wing Belial killed panzer with Mine
panzer killed BaconBits with Swipe
killed Hallucination with None
killed Hallucination with None
panzer killed Death Wing Belial with Stab
hako$$ killed Harvester with Axe
Death Wing Belial killed Drifter with Rifle
panzer killed Death Wing Belial with Swipe
Death Wing Belial killed Whip with Rifle
xenon killed Sentry with Whip
BaconBits killed Whip with Grenade
xenon killed Observatory with Whip
BaconBits killed Whip with Grenade
BaconBits killed Whip with Grenade
BaconBits killed Whip with Grenade
xenon killed MAC with Whip
panzer killed Death Wing Belial with Swipe
xenon killed Sentry with Whip
panzer killed Batterie de Sentry with Swipe
JojorOn killed MAC with Bite
xenon killed Death Wing Belial with Whip
hako$$ killed panzer with Pistol
BaconBits killed Whip with Grenade
hako$$ killed Whip with Pistol
Solid_Snake killed Arms Lab with Bite
xenon killed MAC with Whip
Solid_Snake killed Infantry Portal with Bite
Death Wing Belial killed Whip with Rifle
hako$$ killed JojorOn with Pistol
xenon killed Sentry with Whip
Death Wing Belial killed Solid_Snake with Rifle
hako$$ killed Whip with Rifle
hako$$ killed Whip with Rifle
JojorOn killed JojorOn with Xenocide
Solid_Snake killed Sentry with BileBomb
Solid_Snake killed Batterie de Sentry with BileBomb
Solid_Snake killed Sentry with BileBomb
Death Wing Belial killed Drifter with Pistol
Solid_Snake killed Sentry with BileBomb
Death Wing Belial killed Death Wing Belial with Grenade
hako$$ killed JojorOn with Grenade
Death Wing Belial killed Whip with Rifle
hako$$ killed AIx: Stefan with Grenade
panzer killed Death Wing Belial with Swipe
JojorOn killed hako$$ with Spikes
xenon killed Phase gate with Whip
xenon killed Command Station with Whip
JojorOn killed Power node with Bite
Chat All - Solid_Snake: gg
Chat All - Solid_Snake: xD
panzer killed Death Wing Belial with Swipe
xenon killed Infantry Portal with Whip
Chat All - PoulpeMan: ^^
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 8 faces, 6 vertices
Cooked mesh with 8 faces, 6 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 28018 faces, 18874 vertices
Cooked mesh with 520 faces, 527 vertices
Cooked mesh with 20066 faces, 13315 vertices
Cooked mesh with 7467 faces, 6195 vertices
Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_mineshaft.level
Cooked mesh with 28018 faces, 18874 vertices
Cooked mesh with 520 faces, 527 vertices
Cooked mesh with 20066 faces, 13315 vertices
Cooked mesh with 7467 faces, 6195 vertices
Finished loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/Infestation.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/infestation_shell.surface_shader'
Chat All - Solid_Snake: come on rines
Chat All - Solid_Snake: ty
PoulpeMan killed Solid_Snake with Rifle
Solid_Snake killed PoulpeMan with Bite
xenon killed Solid_Snake with Rifle
Error: No method OnUpdateRender found!
voila en esperant que ça aidera encore merci a toi^^
"Si vous n’êtes pas vigilants, les médias arriveront à vous faire détester les gens opprimés et aimer ceux qui les oppriment."
Avatar du membre
Messages : 19
Enregistré le : 13 janvier 2014 10:33
Natural Selection : Non
Un nombre ? : 156
Localisation : FRANCE
Contact :

Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par hakoss »

en voici un autre:
Date: 01/14/14
Time: 00:21:47:
Build 262
Windows 7 64-bit (build 7601)
Steam initialized
Num displays: 1
Direct3D 9 initialized: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 275 (
Sound Device: Haut-parleurs (Realtek High Definition Audio) stereo
Record Device: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Cooked mesh with 1578 faces, 1236 vertices
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 262
Steam Id: 43236409
Connecting to server
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 8 faces, 6 vertices
Cooked mesh with 8 faces, 6 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 28018 faces, 18874 vertices
Cooked mesh with 520 faces, 527 vertices
Cooked mesh with 20066 faces, 13315 vertices
Cooked mesh with 7467 faces, 6195 vertices
Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_mineshaft.level
Cooked mesh with 28018 faces, 18874 vertices
Cooked mesh with 520 faces, 527 vertices
Cooked mesh with 20066 faces, 13315 vertices
Cooked mesh with 7467 faces, 6195 vertices
Finished loading 'maps/ns2_mineshaft.level'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/Infestation.surface_shader'
Compiling 'materials/infestation/infestation_shell.surface_shader'
Chat All - hako$$: re dsl mon jeu plante ss cesse avec bug report
killed Harvester with None
Solid_Snake killed PoulpeMan with Bite
xenon killed Phase gate with Recycled
hako$$ killed Shade with Axe
Death Wing Belial killed Power node with HydraSpike
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Bite
killed Harvester with None
Solid_Snake killed PoulpeMan with Bite
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Bite
killed Harvester with None
Solid_Snake killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
Death Wing Belial killed Mines with Spit
PoulpeMan killed Death Wing Belial with Rifle
Solid_Snake killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Spikes
PoulpeMan killed Solid_Snake with Pistol
Chat Team 1 - hako$$: gg
Death Wing Belial killed hako$$ with Swipe
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 16 faces, 10 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 16 faces, 10 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
Cooked mesh with 4 faces, 4 vertices
hako$$ killed Hydra with Rifle
Death Wing Belial killed PoulpeMan with Swipe
hako$$ killed Hydra with Rifle
hako$$ killed Hydra with Rifle
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed hako$$ with Bite
Tic_Tac killed Shade with Axe
a sexy jew in speed killed Harvester with Pistol
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Spray
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Tic_Tac with Bite
Chat Team 1 - hako$$: fade water pump
xenon killed Phase gate with Recycled
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Power node with Bite
xenon killed Death Wing Belial with Pistol
Chat Team 1 - hako$$: GG
hako$$ killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Grenade
hako$$ killed EclipseH with Grenade
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Spit
hako$$ killed Harvester with Axe
Death Wing Belial killed a sexy jew in speed with Swipe
Death Wing Belial killed hako$$ with Swipe
Tic_Tac killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Shotgun
Death Wing Belial killed Tic_Tac with Swipe
Tic_Tac killed Death Wing Belial with Rifle
hako$$ killed Solid_Snake with Pistol
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed xenon with Bite
EclipseH killed PoulpeMan with Bite
xenon killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Rifle
EclipseH killed hako$$ with Bite
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
Death Wing Belial killed Death Wing Belial with Xenocide
xenon killed Whip with Rifle
xenon killed Whip with Rifle
Tic_Tac killed Whip with Grenade
Tic_Tac killed Whip with Grenade
Tic_Tac killed Whip with Grenade
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
hako$$ killed Whip with Grenade
hako$$ killed EclipseH with Pistol
PoulpeMan killed Whip with Flamethrower
Death Wing Belial killed Armory with Bite
PoulpeMan killed Whip with Flamethrower
hako$$ killed Whip with Grenade
hako$$ killed hako$$ with Grenade
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Extracteur with Bite
xenon killed EclipseH with Rifle
hako$$ killed Solid_Snake with Pistol
Death Wing Belial killed ARC Robotics Factory with Bite
hako$$ killed Death Wing Belial with Rifle
Solid_Snake killed Tic_Tac with Bite
EclipseH killed hako$$ with Bite
PoulpeMan killed Oeuf with Flamethrower
EclipseH killed Phase gate with Bite
PoulpeMan killed Spur with Flamethrower
ARC killed Spur with ARC
PoulpeMan killed Spur with Flamethrower
EclipseH killed ARC with Bite
Solid_Snake killed PoulpeMan with Bite
Solid_Snake killed ARC with Bite
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
xenon killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Rifle
hako$$ killed Drifter with Axe
Solid_Snake killed Power node with Bite
EclipseH killed Tic_Tac with Xenocide
EclipseH killed EclipseH with Xenocide
xenon killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Rifle
Death Wing Belial killed Death Wing Belial with Xenocide
Tic_Tac killed EclipseH with Rifle
Chat Team 1 - hako$$: euh je suis coince.....
killed hako$$ with None
Chat Team 1 - hako$$: thx
EclipseH killed EclipseH with Xenocide
a sexy jew in speed killed Solid_Snake with Rifle
Death Wing Belial killed Tic_Tac with Bite
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
hako$$ killed Solid_Snake with Rifle
Solid_Snake killed MAC with BileBomb
PoulpeMan killed Death Wing Belial with Shotgun
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
PoulpeMan killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Mine
hako$$ killed EclipseH with Rifle
Chat Team 1 - hako$$: lerk dead
hako$$ killed EclipseH with Rifle
Solid_Snake killed Tic_Tac with Gore
Solid_Snake killed PoulpeMan with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed hako$$ with Gore
xenon killed EclipseH with Rifle
Tic_Tac killed Drifter with Grenade
PoulpeMan killed Crag with Rifle
Tic_Tac killed Tic_Tac with Grenade
Solid_Snake killed xenon with Gore
EclipseH killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
killed Batterie de Sentry with Recycled
PoulpeMan killed EclipseH with Grenade
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Tic_Tac with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed hako$$ with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed PoulpeMan with Gore
Solid_Snake killed xenon with Gore
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed xenon with Stomp
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Infantry Portal with Gore
Tic_Tac killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Rifle
Death Wing Belial killed a sexy jew in speed with Swipe
EclipseH killed Extracteur with Bite
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Gore
hako$$ killed EclipseH with Rifle
Death Wing Belial killed Tic_Tac with Swipe
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed xenon with Gore
hako$$ killed Whip with Rifle
Solid_Snake killed PoulpeMan with Gore
PoulpeMan killed EclipseH with Rifle
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Tic_Tac with Gore
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Gore
PoulpeMan killed EclipseH with Rifle
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Tic_Tac with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Batterie de Sentry with Gore
Solid_Snake killed PoulpeMan with Gore
Solid_Snake killed xenon with Gore
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Gore
EclipseH killed a sexy jew in speed with Bite
Chat Team 1 - hako$$: pas assez de moyen la faut etre equipe de jet et lance grenade
hako$$ killed EclipseH with Pistol
a sexy jew in speed killed Death Wing Belial with Pistol
Solid_Snake killed Tic_Tac with Gore
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Gore
Solid_Snake killed xenon with Gore
PoulpeMan killed EclipseH with Rifle
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed hako$$ with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed PoulpeMan with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Batterie de Sentry with Gore
Solid_Snake killed Sentry with Stomp
hako$$ killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Rifle
Solid_Snake killed hako$$ with Stomp
Chat Team 1 - hako$$: onos en moins
Vic killed Power node with BileBomb
Solid_Snake killed a sexy jew in speed with Gore
Vic killed Mines with BileBomb
Vic killed MAC with BileBomb
xenon killed Vic with Pistol
PoulpeMan killed EclipseH with Rifle
hako$$ killed Hydra with Rifle
ARC killed Shift with ARC
ARC killed Crag with ARC
Solid_Snake killed MAC with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed hako$$ with Gore
Death Wing Belial killed PoulpeMan with Gore
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ killed Phase gate with Gore
Death Wing Belial killed a sexy jew in speed with Stomp
xenon killed Death Wing Belial with Rifle
ARC killed Hydra with ARC
xenon killed ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ with Rifle
"Si vous n’êtes pas vigilants, les médias arriveront à vous faire détester les gens opprimés et aimer ceux qui les oppriment."
Avatar du membre
Messages : 1981
Enregistré le : 11 août 2008 20:27
Natural Selection : Oui depuis la 1.03 (WON)
Un nombre ? : 187
Localisation : Dans mon Ha'tak en orbite autour d'Hynéria, mon monde natal.
Contact :

Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par SysLd »

Hmm je ne vois rien du côté du log de la console.

Essaye de voir quels programmes tournent en tâche de fond lorsque tu joues. Ya peut être un problème d'incompatibilité ou alors c'est ton matériel qui a du mal ? Là j'avoue que je sèche. Sinon attendre de voir la nouvelle build...
Responsable newseur et Trésorier

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Re: Plantage et crash incessant

Message par hakoss »

Merci de nouveau pour ta reponse SysLd !!
Voici les processus qui tourne lorsque le jeu est lancé:

Voila mais je t'avouerai que le dernier processus est bizarre, m'enfin ça fait pas de lui une erreur forcement :)
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